How would you like to win any DVD of your
choice from my site? I am having a fun contest to see how close you really look at my
photos beyond the obvious. Sometime during each month (once
a month), it could be any time between the 1st thru the last day of the month,
I am going to have a photo posted in my members area only
with my name (Deauxma) written on the photo. All you have to do is be the first person to
find the photo and email the set and photo number that you saw my name and you win.
It won't be easy, you are going to have to look pretty close to find it. Hint, it will not
be out in the open. You may have to zoom in some photos to find the name. Good Luck!
February: Congratulations
to Mike (different Mike this time) from Kyle, Texas for being this month's winner. As you
can see, my name was located on my mouse pad in update 403. Thanks to all of you that had
the right answer, but Mike beat you to it. Keep a close eye out for next month, it's
going to be a hard one. |
January: Congratulations
to Mike for being the winner.... again, 3 times in a row. The correct photo was where my
name was on my bracelet. I had quite a few people get the right answer, but Mike beat them
for being the first person. Congrads again Mike. |
December: Congratulations
to Mike in Illinois for being the winner. The correct photo was where my name was on the
chest of my fan. Your DVD has been sent. I had a lot of people enter the contest
this month. Too bad there can only be one winner. Try again next month. |